Especially - API Documentation
( float number, float pos_x, float pos_y,
float color_red, float color_green,
float color_blue )
A global function.
A global function.
Writes a number somewhere on the screen. Textsize is 12 points.
- Parameters:
- number - [float] The number to be printed
pos_x - [float] the x-position of the text. Note that (0,0) is the center of the screen.
pos_y - [float] the y-position of the text
color_red - [float] text color, value from 0-255
color_green - [float] text color, value from 0-255
color_blue - [float] text color, value from 0-255
- Returns:
- true or false
- See Also:
- ES_write
Alphabetic index
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